¡Viva la revolución!

Two of my coworkers were today complaining about spyware on their PCs. After first pointing out that the Mac doesn’t really suffer from that problem (I do my best to help Apple), I then (more-helpfully) pointed them to Mozilla.org to download Firefox and Thunderbird.

(Okay, Thunderbird might not help with the spyware problem. Still, moving away from IE and Outlook seems like a decent—though far from foolproof—way to reduce the odds of being infected by the next virus, if nothing else.)

As they say on the internet: karma ++


One Response to ¡Viva la revolución!

  1. Tiffany says:

    Speaking of Mac, I just got an ipod for Christmas from my mom. It’s only the mini, but it’s pink and that makes it all worth it. I’ve wanted one since the minis came out. Tyler is jealous, but he got a Nintendo DS, so he can’t really whine too much. The bad thing about getting them early is that all our other presents are going to a little anticlimactic after this. BUt I am happy with just my mini ipod!


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