
…but in a good way. My hopes for the west coast swing II class I’m taking appear to be in the process of being realized, though I confess doubt that I’ll ever be able to display my personality through dancing.

What personality?

The immediate challenge of a new dance class is that I have a roomful of people whose names I should try to remember. The twist is that most of them I’ll only see for two hours, once a week, for ten weeks. (Impossible!) While I was in college, this was a hopeless task; now that I’m out, I have a bit more space in my head (at the expense of actual knowledge) to dedicate to names and faces. I’ve learned that the only way to have half a chance is to pick two or three people to remember each class, and work double-damn hard on keeping those names in your head. Writing down names after class, and reviewing them before class, can help quite a bit as well.

Why go to the trouble? I guess it’s my way of trying to show respect for the other person—because I sure as heck don’t dress up or do anything else for ’em. People really do seem to appreciate it, too.


One Response to Exhausted

  1. Level 89 Seducing Man says:

    When you’re dancing with a girl, ignoring everything about her except her cleavage, with a nontrivial amount of drool coming out of your mouth, that’s displaying personality by dancing.
    Do this and the girls will like it and the guys will respect you. Trust me on this. I know.


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