Timecrowave: The world is moving fast these days, and the last thing I need to do is waste time waiting around for my food.

Shit&: objectively terrible ampersands. I’m not much of a font snob (though I can play one on TV), but these are really bad.

I Dream in Retro: so many references to games I haven’t really thought about in 20 years.

(so old)

Robot Unicorn Attack: all my friends hated it, but I absolutely love this game. The soundtrack is simultaneously catchy, terrible, and awesome.

Me, but you, but me: The internet has pretty much taught me to skim text, so it’s rare when something I read gives me pause. This stopped me cold.

Phoenix Wright on the iPhone, for $5. No other game has so perfectly captured the thrill of calling people on their shit; I paid $30 for this on the DS, back in the day, and I don’t regret a penny of it.

Fun With Secret Questions & Answers: if you do over-the-phone banking (sadly, I do not), you really should follow this example.

Big Wheel backflip on a Megaramp: I got to feeling like a machine (and that’s no way to feel)… and then I watched this.

Flying the SR-71 Blackbird: I’m not the sort who cares to fly fast planes, but the story’s still enthralling.

Chatroulette cover of Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”: I enjoyed this about a hundred times more than the official music video.

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