While cleaning out some old papers yesterday, Marin discovered an old note in our mom’s handwriting. Catch was, it was a note addressed to my uncles (back when they were kids), written by our grandmother.

Genes: powerful stuff.

The Wii U? Seriously? I just took critical damage from a deadly-serious pun attack.

Best costume at the ballroom dance tonight was Radical Edward. She somehow even managed to mimic Ed’s jointless walking motion.

Justin Bieber’s “Never Say Never” DVD is in my Amazon Gold Box today. Does Amazon even know me at all?

The theme of the dance last night was “superheroes and supervillains,” which unexpectedly featured a mess of sailor scouts (!) and forced me to self-administer the Sailor Moon Challenge. I got Moon, Jupiter, and Venus. Figured out Mercury this morning. Not too shabby(/far too good) for someone who’s never watched Sailor Moon.

Big news of the week (aside from that) was that Eric and I wore identical clothing to dance practice, save for the fact that my shirt was blue and his was red. How embarrassing!

Wasted time this evening putting together a root page for this domain that wasn’t a 403: Forbidden error. I’m inordinately pleased with how it turned out, given how simple it is.

Weeded the yard on Sunday. I have a newfound respect for bark (weeding has never been easier), as I sit here paralyzed from the waist down.

Totally got pulled over for running a stop sign that I didn’t run. I was in a narrow, car-filled backroad, and so was being cautious about pulling out into the intersection. The officer saw my caution—but not the full stop I did beforehand—and thought I rolled through the stop sign.

Thankfully, his camera caught the whole thing.

…and today I get my jury duty summons.

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