Early April after-action report

Saturday Brian came down for an episode of (what has become known as) Dudes Be Drinkin’. This title was mostly spurred by Andy calling us while we were eating pizza and drinking beer at American Dream, and expressing both interest and an inability to join us for the evening.

On Sunday we made a decent bit of headway in our long-standing game of Growlanser II. We had last played in Sunriver, where we made the tragic realization that we hadn’t done everything that would allow us to save Arietta. Letting cute girls die isn’t what we stand for, so Brian and I were rather distraught at this development.

This last weekend I realized that Arietta’s death just meant that we could focus that much more of our attention on Charlone. This only made things more bearable because I’m a bad person.

Monday and Tuesday were pretty dull, so fast-forward to tonight… where everybody and their cousin showed up for dance practice. I saw Jessica and Ashley for the first time in ages (months for one, years for the other); Sarah’s younger sister, Sylvie, was in town as well. Sylvie’s major accomplishment for the evening was getting Barry to crack a smile (this is surprisingly hard to do), though I forget exactly how she did it.

The evening featured an ultra-rare back-to-back viennese waltz; the first viennese was a rather carousel-y tune, and what started out as a bunch of people waltzing soon turned into (the same bunch of people) walking in a single line around the floor, bouncing up and down like the animals on a merry-go-round. I joked that the second viennese was played because everyone cheated on the first one (in reality they had been trying to play a west coast that had the same name).

In short, the evening had a fair bit of whimsy. I need more of that in my life.


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