A question for all Oregonians

Do we treat beached docks the same way we treat beached whales?

They played a punk-rock cover of Call Me Maybe during the West Coast Swing hour at dance practice tonight. It was the peanut butter and chocolate of my terrible taste in music.

I Am Alive

Yesterday I discovered that the overwhelming majority of my office is reading pornographic Twilight fanfiction. I felt like I was one of the last islands of humanity in a sea of… of… infected. (The title of this post is a topical reference, not a commentary on my posting frequency.)

Making things even more creepy, nobody referred to it by name. It was always “how far along are you?” or “which book are you on?” or “how’s the book?” Nothing else was discussed; the subject was assumed by all. Gave me chills.


Just finished five hours of dance workshops:

  • Silver-level foxtrot: started with an unfamiliar beat pattern (slow slow quick quick?) that immediately destroyed my brain. I never fully recovered.
  • Frame: my first time leading with, uh, full-body contact. My most-often used phrase: “Hrm.”
  • Partnership & floorcraft: thank heavens I still remembered a couple tango moves.
  • Smooth Ballroom Technique: I have no good pithy summary for this one, but it had some good info.
  • MotherEffing Quickstep: the dance earns its name. I now know the basic step and a pivot turn to use at corners (so I’m pretty much pro), which finishes off a long-held goal of mine–to know a bit about every dance featured in Shall We Dance.

…followed shortly thereafter by a three hour ballroom dance. There’s at least one more workshop I want to attend tomorrow–I’m just not sure my body can hold up.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I’m pretty sure this title is going to break my blog, but it’s totally worth it.

So even though I’ve been neglecting this place like crazy (save for updating WordPress and its plugins–fun fact! Brent hates outdated software, even for stuff he doesn’t actually use), I’ve amassed a small boatload of links and whatnot I’d meant to post from time to time. It’s time to clear out that glut and start fresh.

Home video commentaries: There’s a Bear, Chorophobia, and Not Where You Saw.

Herro Y’all: for all your blog-breaking title needs.

Tron dance party

Dear Photograph: nostalgia++

George Lucas Strikes Back: if you haven’t already seen this, it’s time to right that wrong. (And I don’t even care for Star Wars all that much.)

Literally unbelievable: I can’t can believe that this is ongoing.

Famous opening lines from novels updated for the modern age: adds a touch of class to my list of links.

Postulate: anything, taken to some level of expertise, becomes interesting to watch. That said, I don’t want to know how many hours people sank into these video games to become as good at them as they are.

VVVVVV no-death mode

Super Meat Boy speed run

World’s best Tetris player

How to break my non-posting streak

Make this video. Watching it has reaffirmed that I’m still young at heart. (because it is awesome)

Catching up on sleep

After a period of insomnia long enough to have me questioning how fit I was to drive, I started taking GABA in the hopes that it might help me sleep. GABA hasn’t been found to cross the blood-brain barrier, which would seem to make it pretty worthless–but I’ve been sleeping better than I have in months.

I’ve also been dreaming more. A lot more.

Earlier this week, Nick and I went to a party somewhere in the university housing wilderness. Due to various blunders (mostly on Nick’s part, as I recall), we wound up arriving sometime after 1:00 am. Being horribly late was actually great for us, though, because it meant that most of the people who had come to meet Michael Jackson had already left. That’s right: I got to chat with the dead King of Pop. He seemed like a decent guy.

Last night I was involved in a Bollywood-inspired song and dance number on a picturesque bridge. I was dancing with some random cute gal, learning as I went, and doing much better than I could possibly do in real life. Even with this dream-boost to my abilities, though, the Supremes were handily upstaging me. Both Roberts and O’Connor were there, making it pretty obvious that this wasn’t canon.

Snow days

These days (this year) it feels like the only time I get a chance to stop and breathe is when snow or ice stops me from heading in to work. [I guess that’s better than being out of work, which is what I assumed I’d be at this point.] Yesterday and today–the second and third day of spring!–are two of those days.

I’m pretty sure it never stopped snowing yesterday, and while the temperature was above freezing, the new snow and melting snow met some sort of equilibrium where about an inch and a half of snow was maintained at all times.

There are something like three or four inches of snow on the ground as I type this, and while it’s no longer snowing, a pleasant snow-fog has appeared. No kids are playing outside this go ’round, and I haven’t gotten around to making any coffee yet, but I did just see one woman sled down my hill in her new SUV. I am newly thankful for two things: that I don’t have to go in to work this morning, and that I don’t own a house at the bottom of this hill.

Oh! Oh! First legitimate sledder just appeared on the scene… He’s sledding in the tire tracks of the SUV(!?)? He’s doing it wrong! BRB, internet!

Only tears can bring a dreamer back to earth: my fortune cookies keep getting weirder.

Valentine’s extravaganza

Work took a bit longer to wind down than I had expected (I guess I’m optimistic about how few bugs there will be in my–and the vendor’s–code), but it’s finally started to slow. I feel like I can breathe again, which is nice.

But this post isn’t for a personal update! This post is for VD + UNICRONS!!!

The most recent package I received from RightStuf had this entertaining little number in it (I haven’t seen the show, but even I know that you never enter into a contract with Kyubey):

Another personal favorite is this card, however poorly Photoshopped it may be. Lastly, Andy got the first strike in the day’s Valentine Wars with these classy Hark! A Vagrant cards.

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